Monday, October 5, 2009

Kanye West, 4th Hottest MC in the Game?!

Last night as I was watching the newest episode of Diddy's Starmaker show, I was stunned to see that MTV had a Hottest MC's in the Game top 10 list. After the show, they performed the big reveal of the top 4 MCs according to the Brain Trust. Who are these guys anyway?? (However, I must note that there was also an audience poll involved as well.)

I couldn't help but laugh at the string of sucker MCs in the list. It never ceases to amaze me how the truly talented rappers waste away in the obscurity of the underground while talentless hacks flourish in the light. Clearly, Gift of Gab from Blackalicious could school over half that list of booty poppin', tired rhyme spittin' MCs with only half his brain functioning.

But I digress ...

The real shock of the night to my mind was the 4th place position of Kanye West. I can only imagine that hardcore rap fans had an insatiable need to scratch their own eyes out or at the least storm MTV's studios with pick axes and torches. Although, I personally think that some of West's rhymes have an incredible depth, social significance and good flow, I like most everyone else in the world find the guy ... annoying.

Often, I've wondered what it is exactly. Is it the hint of punkassness, the propensity to whine like an infant during a diaper change or the outlandish ego? I'm not sure, but I do know that he's had to scratch and claw for the golden fleece of street cred. Perhaps this MTV ranking will finally give him a tiny measure of respect among the masses of hip hop fans. So in that, I suppose the list isn't completely useless.

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Copyright 2009 A.M.J-M


  1. he is pretty good

    like how he explores music

  2. I'd have to agree. The irony is that I think because he is so chaotic and passionate, he is able to add more artistry to his music than most commercial MCs. Although, I hope with age he will learn to think before acting ... atleast at award shows.
