Saturday, September 26, 2009

Lily Allen Retires at 24? Really?

Low and behold, when I wake up this morning after getting only four hours of sleep, I turn on twitter and notice Lily Allen is listed as a hot topic. So, instantly, I knew it was either some truly fantastic news or something that would probably piss me off. Sadly, it was the latter.

Why oh why, did I have my morning ruined by the news that Lily Allen is "possibly" retiring? Well, it turns out she has decided to pitch a petulant fit over the state of illegal downloads. Apparently, she even started a blog to talk the controversial issue which she took down in day mind you. Don't get me wrong. I hate ratfink digital pirates as much as the next person that makes a living from music, movies and digital content.


Throwing childish temper tantrums is hardly the answer to the problem. What I would like to ask Miss Allen is ... what about the true fans? Some of us actually slap down the price to buy legal downloads on Itunes, and there is also the sainted few who even fork over the exorbitant
price for the whole CD. Why exactly would you give all of us the big heave ho because of the minority that have virtual sticky fingers?

I truly hope that this is only a silly publicity stunt to shed light on the pirating problem or to get hype for a new project. At least then, I can just hate on her a little while before playing "Smile" again.